Friday, April 15, 2011

Last Blog

When I signed up for this class, I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it. I expected this literature class to be full of busy work, writing long papers, and reading boring books. Thankfully I was wrong and Dr. Mortimore made this class very enjoyable. This class was a lot different than a typical class of lecture and notes which made it fun. The themes and texts we discussed were very interesting and they drew many questions and discussion. I liked expressing my opinions and thoughts as well as listening to what other people had to say. I really enjoyed the books we read in this class as well. I’m not a fan of reading, but these books kept my attention. I never really thought about how the themes and topics discussed in this class closely relate to our world today. Many of the topics we talked about in class reflect reality.
In this class, I learned how the major topics we talked about such as consumerism, censorship, technology, etc. relate to our society. It’s crazy how attached we are to technology as well as the media. It was shocking to watch The Second Skin and see people sit at their computers and play games all day and all night. It’s also disturbing to realize how we have become so far from the “natural world”. Many of us couldn’t survive in a log cabin in the woods for even a day. It was interesting to talk about how we like watching certain shows and are entertained at the cost of others. I find that disturbing as well. It’s also true how we “ burn” books and rely more on Sparknotes and the internet. We are known as the “Dumbest Generation” because we have become so lazy.  We know more about celebrities than we do history.
I found myself responding to literature throughout the entire semester. Each book contained big ideas that were either interesting, disturbing, shocking, surprising or alarming. I never really thought about these topics before this class. I felt like I always had a strong opinion on these subjects and it was neat to be able to talk about them with my small group and even in the large group. I think we need to look more at the important things in life rather than getting so involved in the media, technology, advertisement, or whatever else. We are always wanting more and even though we have enough, the idea of “plentitude” still plays out. We all have “feeds” in our own way. Corporations are beginning to “consume” us and that is horrible.
Overall, this class was very enjoyable. I’m glad I got to take this class and view literature in a different way. I never liked reading books, but I view them differently now than I have before. I’m sure I’ll find myself responding to readings more now. It’s much better to stop and think about what I’m reading instead of just trying to get it over with. This class taught me many things and it opened my eyes to reality.


  1. I, too, was absolutely dreading this class, but now that the end is here, I actually really found myself enjoying the class. I liked how you incorporated the concepts of plentitude, feeds, and consuming and how it relates to us! I also found myself responding to literature. Now instead of just reading in order to just simply get the reading done, I find myself actually thinking about the content itself and the meaning behind it. I found myself being shocked and saddened throughout the semester in response to the readings and class discussions... we are so dependent on technology and seem to never be satisfied/happen. What is it going to take to change this?

  2. I thought the class was enjoyable too. I really did not expect it to be as fun and interesting as it was. I am glad we were made to read some of the books especially The Hunger Games. I would have never normally chose to read it on my own. I agree with you, this class has opened my eyes to some present issues that I was never concerned about before.

  3. This class was one of my favorite classes so far in college. Instead of dreading going to class I actually looked forward to it and wanted to go. After reading the material I really thought about where we will be in fifty years and it really made me see what we may have to change in order to enjoy life rather than becoming miserable like some of the characters in our material.

  4. I agree with your comment about how attached we are to technology. I never really realized it before I took this class. I just thought technology was something we used and was good for us, but I never before saw it as the crutch it really is. The dumbest generation idea really opened my eyes to how people from other generations see us, and while I would like to disagree with it totally, I, too, see that they have a valid point.

  5. I feel that most of us agreed with what you said about not being too fond of this class. I'm pretty sure all of us also were caught off guard when we realized it wasn't as bad as we thought and was pretty fun. I will be completely honest and say that I am one of them. It's a class that I wish I had every semester just because it's a relaxed class and isn't as stressful as the rest.. Even though it's a lot of work lol
