Friday, April 8, 2011

No Books?

There are an infinite amount of books all around the world. Without them, the world would be a lot different and as a whole we wouldn’t be where we are today if there were no more books. Like I’ve stated in other blogs, I am not much of a reader. I think of reading more of a chore than it is a leisure. I probably wouldn’t instantly start crying if someone told me all the books disappeared. But I do, however, know the importance of books and reading. I believe reading makes a person smarter. Without books, I wouldn’t have half of the knowledge I have today. Many people love to read and they rely on books for so many things. I was in a Barnes and Nobles the other day, and I didn’t realize how many books there was for pretty much anything you could imagine. There was of course, fiction and nonfiction, then there were cook books, books specifically on one country, books on how to lose weight, educational textbooks, books on firefighting, books on how to stitch, every language dictionaries, etc. There were so many! I wouldn’t be totally heartbroken if there were no more books, but let’s be honest, we need them!

During my education, I have relied heavily on books. As much as I don’t like to read, I actually read a great deal for school. Ever since first grade, I have read the textbook involved because it helps me understand the subject a whole lot better. A lot of the time the teachers will go right out of the textbook and it makes it easy for me to follow along. Now that I’m in college, I honestly don’t think I ever read so much in my life than I have in the past two years! The textbooks I have for every class are huge! Without them, I’d probably be failing every class because the professor only covers so much, but we are required to know it all so reading the chapters makes the exams go a whole lot smoother. Many of us learn from books and they are very important in our education. Without books, I would probably not know as much as I do now. Education needs the involvement of books.

If there were no more books, it would be pretty scary. How would people learn? What would people do as a past time if reading was it? What would hold history? Books are very important in our world and we would be lost without them. Slowly, our generation is “burning books”. We are becoming too lazy to pick up a book to educate ourselves, since we can just “Google it”.  Books are becoming movies, which we would chose over rather than reading it. Many of us distance ourselves from books because we would rather be doing so many other things before it came down to reading. I don’t think many of us have patience for reading. Because it takes a lot longer to read than it is to watch a movie, many of us would choose the movie in a heartbeat. There are people who only read when they have to, or there are people who love to read and have read more books than I can count. Either way, it’d be horrible if we no longer had books. I like having the option of being able to read when I need to. I don’t know what I would do if I was told all the books are gone.

We “burn” books when we chose an alternative to finding the information. Because most of don’t have the patience or are too lazy, we chose not to read. But reading really is good for you! Reading is educational and it makes us more knowledgeable. Sometimes, when I have to read novels, I actually am surprised at how much I enjoy the book and end up reading the whole book in a short period of time. When someone tells me about a book that is super good, I’ll read it because I don’t want to miss out. My grandparents love to read to continue to educate themselves. When I’m older, I will probably look at reading as more of leisure then a chore just because it will be on my own time. Without books, this world would be a whole lot different. It would be a horrible thing, if there were no longer books. We will always need books. They are important in every person’s life, whether we chose to believe so or not. 


  1. I agree that we rely on books for educational purposes. I ALWAYS read for every class. It helps me understand what the professor is talking about during lecture. Without books, how would we know things were really true that the professors were teaching us? How would we be able to read? I know I have probably repeated this multiple times, but I don't read much either, unless it is school related. However, a lot of people choose to read in their leisure time. I also think that in the future I think I may pick up reading as a hobby, but as for now, I just rely on books for educational purposes. I agree with how you said we "burn books"--- by creating short cuts and eliminating the need to actually read a book.

  2. I probably wouldn't cry either if I suddenly found out we weren't allowed to have or read them anymore. However, I agree with you.. we really do need books. We most likely would not be functioning well as a whole country without books. So much knowledge comes from reading and comprehending them. It would be scary to think of how our world would be today without any books.

  3. I agree with you that I wouldn't really care if books disappeared, but i'm not dumb and I know the purposes that they serve. Such as educational and leisure purposes. I also agree that we are just lazy and not interested in reading books. Like I said in my blog I would rather go do some other activity, but maybe when I'm older I will sit down and read some.

  4. I really do not care if books disappeared at all. They aren't a big thing in my life so therefore I really wouldn't miss them. Just because we don't read books doesn't make us lazy. Some of us grew up with technology and would rather be quick and what not than sit there for hours reading pages and pages in books.. Just not fun or exciting to me.

  5. I like how you brought up education also. Classes would be much more difficult without books. I, too, would have trouble following along in my classes in textbooks. Yeah, they are big and take awhile to read through, but they are very educational. Without books, I believe people would be a lot less intelligent. Whether we like to admit it or not, books are very important.
