Today I started my “Thoreau Challenge” and it’s going well so far. I do admit, it is hard not to get on the Facebook page while I’m on the computer right now, but I won’t. I didn’t realize how much I used technology until today. I am usually constantly listening to music or watching TV, and without being about to do it is very difficult. I think this challenge will be good for me. It will help me understand that technology isn’t everything and I can surely live just fine without it. I wanted to start on a Friday so it makes it a little easier on me because on weekends I surprisingly use less technology than I do during the weekdays anyhow. It’s also going to help that a couple of my best friends are coming to Shippensburg this weekend so that’ll take my mind of the temptation of texting them or getting on the computer. So far what I’ve done all day is, get ready without listening to music which was very peaceful. Usually I can’t stand the silence and need the TV on or my iTunes playing, but it was nice to actually just get ready in silence. I had already called my family to inform that that they wouldn’t be hearing from me all week because of this assignment. I also told my other friends to try not to text me this week unless it was an emergency so I don’t feel the need to text back. And as for TV, I realized I will be missing some of my favorite shows this week which will be extremely difficult. Every week I get so excited to watch them and this week it will be sad to being playing a board game or something else instead of watching. I will get over it.
This challenge is very eye opening. It’s sad to realize how much technology affects my life. Maybe more people need to take this challenge so they realize the same. I don’t exactly know what I’m going to do with myself all week as far as technology goes, but sometimes it’s exciting trying to figure out how to entertain myself without it. I can definitely catch up on some reading for my classes and start studying for upcoming tests which will help me. This challenge will benefit me in a lot of ways. I can live “normally” without all of the noise that goes on in my life everyday typically. As long as I’m with my friends and visit my family, I’ll be fine. They’re what matters most anyway. It also helps that my boyfriend is on campus and is also doing this challenge. We will help each other and find other things to do that could be just as fun as using technology. This week will be rough, but I don’t have any doubts that I won’t be able to get through it. I think the hardest part will be the temptations of wanting to use electronics or technology or trying to find something other to do that could be fun. With my friends visiting this weekend, I know I will be occupied at least during that time. After the weekend, I don’t know what I’ll be doing. I guess I’ll let you know where I’m at!
I'm impressed that your doing this. My girlfriend would kill me if I didn't text or call her for a week. I'm not attached to my phone, but I am my gf ha so I better not piss her off. Hey it's an easy 30 extra points so I atleast your getting that out of it and your friends coming up will definately help. Good Luck